
The Phoenix Rises

Wow. So, I missed an entire month of posting. That kinda sucks. AND... I missed a month's Mixtape! That _really_ sucks.

I won't make the crazy promise to post every day but I'll attempt to do better.

So, what happened in May? The Lakers are out... the Dodgers are winning... ECW is returning... the original Star Wars Trilogy is coming out on DVD... weird stuff.

May was season finale month for most of the shows I watch and what a crazy month it was. I knew a few of my loyal readers haven't finished up the finales yet so I'll hold off on discussing that for the moment.

The new job is going well... and now that I've been there over two months, I have to start wondering when you stop calling it a "new job." My former place of employ has gone down the shitter in those two months... well, if it was possible to sink much further... from what I hear. A former colleague got let go today and I've had a few former co-workers tell me how crappy it's gotten. Really bad stuff. There's still a lot of good people there and I hope they can get out before they go down with the ship.

What else?

Let's leave it there for now.

Good to be back!

Song I'm Listening To Currently: "Driftwood" by Travis
Book I'm Reading Currently: None
Movie I Last Saw In The Theater: Thank You For Smoking