One day late, indeed, but I thought I'd bring you a taste of Thursday's Dodger game in photos. Without further adieu...
My Top Five Favorite Photos From Thursday's Game
5. The Manny Dreads
You've gotta love capitalism when it rears it's head. So, not only do the Dodgers get Manny's offensive production for the rest of the season for the low, low price of free... not only do they get to soak up all the incredible publicity and marketing opportunities for the not so inexpensive cost of nothing... but they get to sell these wonderful bandana/dreadlock combos for $25 each - and yes, they were selling like crazy. We had to resist buying them - I may not be so lucky the next time. "For only $25, you too can spend a warm day roasting under a cheap bandana and fake hair! SIGN ME UP!"
4. Different Strokes To Rule The World
Okay, so I don't really know who or what this is. We had difficulty decoding if he/she was a man/woman. There were really no identifying signs that made us comfortable in making a final decision. But crazy blond hair? Glove on your head? Big ass sunglasses? Oh, you're making the Top Five, sweetheart. To top this story off, we saw him/her with a female friend after the game being "detained" by security - or at least that's how it appeared to me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
So, our camera has this cool little feature that we get obsessed with from time to time. You should see our San Francisco photos - lots of black and white with splashes of color. Basically, the way it works is you can pull all the color out of your photos except for one color that you set. So, I decided it would P-I-M-P to only feature Dodger Blue. This is the result of that shot. Oh, that guy in the foreground was part of a trio of fans that ended up being pretty cool that we chatted with on and off throughout the game - topics ranging from Vin Scully and throat-slitting, a discussion of my throwing arm versus Juan Pierre's, and life in Iraq and the taste of camel meat. Yeah. That really could be it's own post - should be, in fact. Stay tuned for more on that!
1. Check 'Em Out, Angel Fans
That's right, baby. There's six of them there. I thought I'd provide a quick count because we all know Angel fans can't count! Ohhh! Sick burn! I figure if I insult the Angel fans enough here, I might get picked up by another Angel message board and send my traffic through the roof for a few days. Angel fans suck! Yeah! Uhhh! Take that! So, I played with iPhoto to jazz this one up a bit this morning and I really liked the end result.
Honorable Mention
We thought this guy was pretty rad considering Snoop was throwing out the opening pitch and the guy had a matching pimp hat and shirt. He turned out to be even more rad than we ever could possibly imagine when during James Loney's homerun, the guy started doing some weird finger-pointing and fist-pumping dance that just made me wish I had video of it to share with the class. Let's just say that some stereotypes were shattered on this day.
That's all, folks. Hope it was worth the day delay!