Well, well, well... it's been a few days since I've posted anything.
There's dueling reasons for that. For one, I've been enjoying my forced "vacation." One of my ex-coworkers told me, "It's your chance to go out and do all the stuff you always wanted to do but had to work." If that's the case, then I guess my heart's desire was to sit home and watch everything on WWE 24/7. I had goals of going out and doing stuff this week but it never shook out. B was busy at work so couldn't call in sick. Poff's a big loser who always wants me to call in sick and do stuff during the week and when the week arrives where I could do something, he doesn't want to go anywhere.
So, I sit and wait. Trying to amuse myself as the hours slowly trickle past. It's been a long, long time since I've had this much free time and I just don't know what to do with myself. So, here I am.
Last night was the penultimate The Sheild for the season and I feel super-confident in standing by my statement that The Sheild is hands down the best show on television at the moment. There's been some great stuff on 24... on Grey's... on Housewives. There's been some absolutely incredible stuff on The West Wing that makes me shed a tear that we're losing it this season. Lost has been pretty good as well not to mention Veronica Mars [which returns tonight, baby!] Comedies have been kicking ass with Scrubs, The Office, AD, not to mention the surprise of how great How I Met Your Mother is turning out.
But above them all by a good margin is The Shield. There's been rumors that this season [which is actually being split in half] is the final season for it. If that's the case, then they're going out in a major, major kingsized way. The show has been absolutely fantastic each and every week and I find myself waiting for the next week's show in a way that I reserve for few others. Next week is the finale and then it'll be replaced by Thief which actually looks like it might be quite amazing as well. I'm also hoping to catch the Prison Break marathon on Sunday on FX to see if that show is as good as the rumors are saying.
I was pretty annoyed yesterday because I couldn't get on to post on here because of technical difficulties.
Why was I annoyed you ask?
Because I wanted to write about G.I. Joe.
Yes, G.I. Joe.
I was watching something on Monday that brought a big smile to my face as I was reminded of G.I. Joe. Now, I'm not talking about the "knowing is half the battle" cartoons [which was great] but rather the comic books. Recently at my former job, I went through the timeline of my comic book fandom.
As a kid, I started with things like Archie and Richie Rich and the Disney books. I segued into the horrid Star Wars book that Marvel put out that was absolutely horrid.
And then came G.I. Joe. I have a very large portion of the original Marvel run and could read them countless times and love every second of it. Well, maybe not _every_ second of it. But a great deal of them. It amazes me what great storytelling was in those issues. You can compare them to the best selling books nowadays and GI Joe smokes them nine out of ten times.
After the Joe series got canned, I wandered into the superhero world towards the early high school years, picking up things like Batman around the Knightfall arc as well as my friend Brian trying to get me into the whole Death of Superman craze.
Well, it worked. I was hooked once more, going for all the big Image books as well [Spawn, Wildcats, Cyberforce, etc.] and even dabbled a little in the darker stuff like Sin City and the Dark Knight Returns series. Frank Miller at his best.
I fell out of it during college as there wasn't a store nearby.
But a couple years after college, I discovered that a new GI Joe series was being launched which got me into a comic store for the first time in several years to pick it up... and pick up everything else in sight.
After all those years, it was GI Joe that got me back into the comic store and got me hooked once more. It all had come full circle. I've stopped picking up the Joe books now since they went a drastically different direction with them that I didn't find appealing anymore but I'm still in the comic store at least once a month to keep up on the adventures of the Ultimates, the Young Avengers, the Astonishing X-Men, and many, many, many, many more.
It all comes full circle.
Oh, and what sparked this little rant? Well, I don't want to say exactly... just remember that Storm Shadow wasn't quite as dead as he appeared to be. Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!
Song I'm Listening To Currently: I Love LA - Randy Newman
Book I'm Reading Currently: The Prestige - Christopher Priest
Movie I Last Saw In The Theater: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [IMAX]