
Kobe vs Indy - YOU MAKE THE CALL!

Just got back from seeing the Indy flick. I'll do a full review of it in a couple days but I want to let it sink in a little bit before I do. For now, I will say that if you're a fan of the Indy movies, you'll probably dig it - if you have realistic expectations. It's not Raiders, it's probably not even Temple. It's closest in "feel" and quality to Last Crusade [although the Missus says LC is her favorite of the series.] The thing that will bring most people down on either side of the love/hate line will be how you feel about the main plotline. It's... different... than the others. If you're okay with what it is, you'll probably dig the movie. If you're not okay with what it is, you'll probably not like it - or you'll fall into the "Eh... it's okay" category.

Anyways... how 'bout them Lakers?

What a game, huh?

It was odd. The wife and I were both discussing last night after the game that even when the Lakers were down big, there wasn't a freaked out feeling. It was almost like... you could feel that Kobe was going to turn it on at some point and get them close. It was just a matter of how close they could get.

Turns out, they got pretty damn close.

It was an amazing game, an amazing comeback, and an amazing win.

Seven more, people. Keep the countdown going.


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