
Fucking Torre!

The Title of this post were my exact words after reading the results of tonight's game.

Okay, I need a Yankee fan to be reading this post and let me know if Torre is known for this and somehow I just missed it last year. Is he really this bad at handling his bullpen? I know he has a reputation for riding a pitcher to total fatigue but... mercy Jesus, how many fucking times can you go for a five out save in the first month of the season?

So, they summoned Broxton from the 'pen in the 8th again. And he blew the save. Then they take him out.

I just don't get it.

How many five out saves?! HOW MANY?!

Can someone tell him I'd prefer to have a closer with A LIVE FUCKING ARM after April?

Sweet Jesus.

I'm sooooo frustrated with the bullpen and Torre's handling of it so far this season.

Can someone get Grady Little on the phone?


Well, let's not be rash.


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