
One Season Ends, The Next Begins

88 days.

And no, my title isn't about the end of summer - although it was quite a cool air about town today that made me think of the holidays.

I'm talkin' baseball.

The regular season ended today and with the possible exception of a fairly crappy last month or so, I don't think the Dodgers could have asked for a better regular season. Sure, it's always nice to have guys leading the league in certain categories or competing for various awards but the only award I'm interested in is 11 victories away.

The regular season ended poorly but the second season begins anew in a few days.

And everything starts fresh.

11 wins. The Dodgers ran off a streak to start the season that was something like that.

11 wins. That's all you need.

11 wins to a World Championship 21 years in the making.


Yeah. Let's do this thing.

Oh, and go Sox. Tee hee.


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