
The Era of Defiance

B wants my post on why I picked the songs for "Chaka Mad"... I'll do it this weekend.

I wanted to do an Eragon review... I'll do it this weekend.

I really should talk about Raw [which wasn't halfbad actually]... not now.

Now is the time to be defiant.

It's the spirit of rebellion that founded our great nation, you know? It's the spirit to say "Fuck off" to those who tell you you're wrong... to those who want you to stick to the narrow path.

I'm not comparing myself to that at all cause as much as I'd like to rise up and break off the shackles of oppression we all are under [like that one, don'tcha?]... I'm trapped in them just like the rest of you.

But every once in a while, you get to do something that just energized you. That makes you feel like you're a man who just bucked the system.

As you all know by now, I'm desperately trying to get out of my job... but I'm waiting for the right job to jump to. I've had plenty of offers from temp to hire companies at higher salaries... but with great responsibility comes not-so-great power. I have to wait for something secure. So, I sit in misery, just trying to get through the day without letting it bother me. I sit in agony, not being able to drop everything and move across country to pursue a new career [I'm jealous, you bastard.]

But every once in a while, you get to do something that makes you whole again.

When you don't fear getting fired, a world of enlightenment swallows you. A world where you don't care a bit and absolutely anything goes.

For years, I've been the "go-to" guy in our department... basically the guy who got all the crap assignments that were supposed to be leading to a promotion/raise. For years, whenever something came up that was outside of our job descriptions, it fell in my lap.

Today, when the two new temps were told to go sit with me for training...

I was defiant!

I went to the manager's office and refused to do it. When I explained why and he tried to blow smoke up my ass, I spit the smoke right back. When the "You're still in our plans" line came, I was ready for it.

I was defiant... rebellious... uncaring...

...and it fucking felt great.

It's a liberating feeling when you just don't give a damn.

Song I'm Listening To Currently: War Machine - Kiss
Book I'm Reading Currently: The Plot Against America - Phillip Roth
Movie I Last Saw In The Theater: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [IMAX]


mark said...

good for you.

Be Like Peter in Office Space.

BTW - do you have 24 episodes 11-12:00 and 12:00-1:00 still DVR'd? iBelieve they are eps. 5 and 6.

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