
The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Plain

It's crazy outside right now. We could hear an insane amount of rain pouring down and when we opened the balcony door, it looks like we were trapped in a huge storm with rain pounding down and the wind blowing really hard.

I love the rain as long as I'm not stuck in it. I used to think I even loved the rain when I had to walk around in it until last year in Rome. Our first day out and about in Rome was absolutely miserable as we got drenched in rain, blown around by gusty wind, and generally got made cold and miserable by it all. So, yeah... now I think I love the rain as long as I don't have to walk around in it.

I hope it lets up some because I was planning to go to my first Pro Wrestling Guerrilla show in a year tonight. Driving in to LA through this mess doesn't sound like my idea of fun either so I really hope it lets up before I have to make a decision. The forecast is calling for "light rain" this afternoon so I hope it's right.

Rain, rain, go away... come again some other day.

Watching: Giants/Bucs NFL Playoff game [I'm addicted to football in HD. I've never watched as much football as I have this year.]
Wondering: If the person who was going to PWG with me is going to flake.
Reading: Just finished "The Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx and haven't started anything else yet


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