
Ya Frakkin' Frakhole

After finishing Season 2/2.5 of Battlestar Galactica tonight, I have to admit, I'm quite surprised by the direction the show went and frankly, the show in general.

In all honesty, I just wanted to watch it because it's a sci-fi show and I'm a quasi-sci-fi junkie. Spaceships? Cool. Killer aliens? Awesome. Hottie killer aliens? Mega-awesome.

But man oh man, did it turn out to be so much more. The show is amazingly well-written and drifts far and beyond your usual sci-fi faire.

Let's see... just some of the topics they've covered in the first two seasons in one way or another...


Political corruption.



Religious zealotry.

Hate crimes.





Justifiable homicide.


Military Dictatorship.

Theocracy vs Military Dictatorship.

And there's a ton more that are just escaping my brain at the moment.

Most sci-fi is very clearly written in black and white. The heroes are very obvious - the villains even more so. And BSG tends to follow the same course - but every once in a while they toss in a curveball to make the good guys just not so good and the bad guys maybe not so bad.

Much credit goes out to the writing team for BSG for having the courage and the talent to stray away from the fallbacks of sci-fi and delving a little beyond the surface to create a series that has been absolutely gripping for the first two seasons.

Season Three arrived today from Blockbuster Online [I think] so I'll keep you informed if it rocks my frakkin' ass as much as the first two did.


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