

In life, no matter how down you get about yourself...

No matter how bad things seem to be going...

In times when you think it couldn't possibly get worse...

Remember this story...

Today at work, in front of a store filled with people and a bunch of people outside, a customer walked swiftly at top speed into a glass wall.

Yep, you read that correctly. Glass wall. Top speed. Girl's head went "THUNK!" The entire store froze to watch and try not to break out laughing. People outside the store were heard yelling, "It's okay. We won't laugh."

Simply awesome.

Whatcha gonna do with all that thunk... all that thunk inside your trunk...

So, on those days when you feel not so fresh, just remember, "Hey, at least I didn't walk into a glass wall in public today!"

And that's one to grow on.


30571 Lorna G said...

wow, Blue...somehow my day didn't seem so bad...you're a miracle worker!

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