
I'm Sorry

My apologies in advance for subjecting you guys to this but... well, I kinda had a soft spot for the first movie in this series - and then never bothered to see the others since the original cast was split up.

But this time? Well, let's just say I'm at least curious.


Anonymous said...

You know, the first one, while not a piece of cinematic history, wasn't "unwatchable". The second one thoroughly SUCKED. I actually couldn't really sit through Tokyo Drift. I'm actually a fan of Paul, Vin, & Jordana. They haven't really put out any blockbusters (save James Franco in Spiderman), but they've put out a few decent flicks. Vin actually has some decent acting chops - check out Find Me Guilty. Paul put out a pretty fun movie called Into The Blue. Jordana was in Annapolis - the movie was predictable, but watchable (Pineapple Express's James Franco was in that as well).
Bottom line is that this movie will probably be a bit over the top, but I'll def see it - especially because of the three actors I just mentioned. I really can NOT stand Michelle - what a bitch.

Anyways, I have heard nothing about this & was not looking forward to watching this clip, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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