
Screenplay: Take Two

Curse those little details.

As the submission deadline grew near last week for my screenplay, Mrs. Blue was assisting in getting the submission materials together and pointed out one tiny little detail that I had happened to miss in the several months leading up to this.

Apparently if I'm declared a finalist in the competition, I have to submit a second "sample of work" - also known as a second screenplay.

Say it with me now.

"Oh fuck."

Now, sure the odds are slim that I'll be declared a finalist and thus are slim that I will need a second screenplay completed by December. But... well, as I always seem to say on here...

You've gotta believe.

I have a handful of ideas on what to do next so I expect to narrow that down over the next couple weeks and get down to it.

Stay tuned for more details as this story develops - no pun intended!


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