
We Want Serpentor!

It's been a long, long while since I've covered any GI Joe stuff on here. I stumbled upon something tonight that I thought might be worth sharing.

The producer, Lorenzo di Bonaventura says, "We are in post-production, and it’s looking really good. It’s going to be really fun, and it’s going to be big.”

Uh huh. The "it's going to be big" concerns me a little as it tends to be code for "We cut out a lot of the story but we make things blow up a lot!"

He continues with, "There is going to be two or three really large sequences in it that are really going to blow people away. But I think that, more than anything, what differentiates it from a lot of these big movies is that there are eight or nine very well-drawn characters.”

Hrm. That's one of those statements that sounds good to the hardcore fan but it's also one of those statements that producers/directors nervous about alienating the hardcore fan know to say.

Of course, there's also the usual chitchat about the Snakes/Storm Shadow relationship playing a key role in the movie. I really hope that's legit cause if it's not, the movie will have to succeed without the geeks [and yes, I include myself in that.]

And the final suckup comment?

“I think the core fan base that read the comic book and watched the animated shows are going to feel like we really honored their experience."

Welp. We'll know in about seven months or so.


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