
Random Thoughts On Random Stuff

Disney Trying To Get Wall-E A Best Picture Nod
How awesome is that? Wall-E really was one of my favorite movies of the year and I really would love to see it get the accolades. BUT... that being said, two things really hurt it. 1) Being released so early in the year really hurts movies aiming for award season and 2) That damned Best Animated Feature award. It makes it far too easy to just give a great animated flick that nod and not consider it for anything else. I'd love to see it but I don't see it likely.

Neil Young Cancels Concert Rather Than Cross Picket Line
Uncle Neil canceled his shows at the former Fabulous Forum this week because of an ongoing labor dispute between owners of the venue and a union. It's the same reason Springsteen opted not to play the Forum on his last trip through. Now, I'm all in favor of showing support for labor unions that you think deserve your support but my problem with this is - really? You just found out about that? Obviously, Bruce knew to pick a different venue in advance. It's just shitty for fans to get the hose because somehow Neil and Pegi didn't do their research.

EW Says Terence Howard Screwed Terence Howard
So, the big scoop is that Howard was the highest paid actor on Iron Man.


HUH?! That can't be true, can it? Anyways, they go on to say Favreau didn't like his performance and had to cut the hell out of it. Basically, they decided that Howard wasn't worth the money and that Don Cheadle will be. Let's hope they're right.

"The Book Of Eli"
A lot of talk this week about this post-apocalyptic Western in the works starring Gary Oldman and Denzel Washington. The plot is summed up with, "Washington’s lone warrior, Eli, fights to bring society the knowledge that could be the key to its survival and redemption. Surprise — it’s a book. Oldman will play the despot of a small and pathetic town, who’s determined to get ahold of Eli’s book." Sounds like a winner, no?

REALLY Behind The Orange Curtain
Eh. Maybe not ALL hope is lost for Orange County.


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