

I stumbled upon a show on the Sundance channel recently called Spectacle. It's hosted by Elvis Costello and looked like it had some promise so I DVRd a couple of episodes to check it out.

The first episode featured Herbie Hancock so I didn't really expect much out of it and was much more looking forward to the second one with Jenny Lewis and She & Him - two of my favorite acts. Oh, Jakob Dylan was on it too but... yeah.

So, Herbie Hancock. The show is kinda unique as it features an interview interspersed with the guest performing bits of music here and there. The end of the show saw a duet with Elvis himself.

I found the show interesting enough that I was glad I had watched it and am looking forward to the next one.

Weird post, huh? I just spent about four solid hours writing so I'm a little brain drained.

I'll try to do better tomorrow!


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