
Emmy Snubs

I want to be happy for my favorite shows - I really do.

I want to be happy for 30 Rock and The Office for gaining well-deserved Best Comedy noms. I even smiled a bit at seeing Weeds, Entourage, and Flight Of The Conchords on the list even though all three were probably at the worst last season and don't deserve the praise this time around. And yeah, I smirked a little bit at seeing Family Guy nominated. I don't watch Family Guy and don't plan to start but I think it's awesome that at least one of the major nominating bodies isn't afraid to treat a piece of animation on the same playing field. And most of all, I want to be jump up and down thrilled for How I Met Your Mother for FINALLY feeling the love even though it too probably wasn't at its best last season compared to others.

I want to be happy for Big Love and Lost for their Best Drama nods. I don't watch the rest of the shows on that list so I'm sure my chances of being happy on Emmy night is pretty pathetic but both of these shows deserve the love.

I want to be happy for Steve Martin and Alan Alda for their guest spot nods. For Tina Fey for the appreciation for her Palin impression AND her weekly awesomness on 30 Rock. For Alec Baldwin, Jemaine Clement, and Steve Carrell. For the hotness of Mary Louise Parker even though she doesn't deserve the acting nod this year. For Dr. Horrible and the Springsteen Super Bowl show. For Jane Krakowski and Kristin Chenoweth. For Tracy Morgan, Jack McBrayer, Kevin Dillon, Rainn Wilson, and the incredible Neil Patrick Harris in potentially my favorite Emmy nom lineup EVER! And for the incomparable Michael Emerson at long last feeling the love.

I'd love to be happy for all of those shows and amazing actors and actresses...

But I can't.




You fuckoffs have one final chance to pay tribute to two of the greatest shows to ever grace a television screen and you piss it away again.


I don't have the words to appropriately express my hatred for you all right now.


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