
It Reminded Me Of A Two Dollar Whore Singing Showtunes Behind The Church On 57th Street To The Thai Unemployed Midgets

Guilty pleasure admission time...

I am an American Idol fan.

(insert cringe)

I hate admitting it... because during the first couple of seasons of AI, I was a hater. I was the one spewing vile insults about it when people were talking about it at work. I was the one who hadn't seen a second of it and had no desire to... but had no problem with mocking those who did.

I was wrong.

The show is the guiltiest of the guilty pleasures. There's so much wrong with it that we all obviously should despise it... and even those who despise it [or say they do] seem like they're almost trying too hard to dislike it. Like if they gave themselves a chance to watch it, they might be wrong and hate themselves for it.

Ever notice how many people preface AI comments with, "Oh, my girlfriend makes me watch it" or some slight variation of it? Or how many people claim only to watch the audition shows where people make total fools of themselves?

But yes... I now find myself every Tuesday and Wednesday watching, listening, critiquing, wondering when Paula's gonna OD on stage with the rest of you. Who will it be this week? Who will have their dreams crushed and be sent packing? Will it be the "Too Dumb To Be Real" country bumpkin Kellie? Will it be the "Hard Rock Only For AI" Chris? All these personalities become engrained in your brain... and you're almost a little bit sad to see them go when it's their time.

But sooner or later... they all have their time. It's the American dream... and on this show, only one can win it all.


Plus, there's Badunkidunk! Ohhhh mama!

Song I'm Listening To Currently: "The Old Songs" - Barry Manilow
Book I'm Reading Currently: None
Movie I Last Saw In The Theater: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [IMAX]


mark said...

Oh, my girlfriend makes me watch it, yet I don't have a girlfriend.

Too bad I don't have a DVR- then I would catch it. I always catch the first three eps. but then I end up not watching- which is a shame. AI is one of the best escapes for this world.

The last line was pure sap...stop it.

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