
Random randomness

Got nothing big to write about today so here's a few random observations just to keep me active.

** The weather forecast is calling for rain every day until next Tuesday. And they say it never rains in Southern California. Well, Toni Tony Tone does anyways. Whatever happened to them?

** Bobby Lashley apparently requested to be released from his WWE contract today. No big loss as he never developed into the worker they thought he would. I suppose he still could but it's probably not likely. He's rumored to be looking into MMA as a new career option. Good grief.

** Rumors run wild that Brock Lesnar is penciled into headlining UFC 86 in a few months. Seriously? Talk about counting your chickens. I'm rooting for Brock against Mir just in hopes of seeing Lesnar vs Cro Cop but the sadist in me would like to see Lesnar submitted in 30 seconds just to punish him for his lack of gratitude to the WWE.

** Royal Rumble's this weekend. I'll be doing my annual Rumble predictions whenever the final lineup is released... hopefully soon.

** Lakers are leading the Spurs after one quarter as I write this. It's gonna be a two month dogfight for them to stay in a good playoff position as they wait for Bynum and Ariza to recover. Such a shame. They were really looking good.

** Don Mattingly is out already as the Dodgers hitting coach. Apparently he's having some family issues so he was re-assigned to a "special assignment" coach. So much for being the heir apparent, I guess. Hard to be groomed by Torre for the manager's job when apparently you won't be in the dugout most of the year.

** Good review for Rambo on AICN today. I've never seen any of the Rambo movies but I may have to change that in the near future.

** AICN also confirmed that Heath Ledger completed all his post-prod work on The Dark Knight so it'll be the final film to have a full Ledger performance in it. The autopsy came back inconclusive so they have to dig a little deeper [no pun intended.] We're thinking of having a Ledger movie night just to pay a little respect.

** Finished the second book in the Eragon trilogy the other day. It was okay. I was slapped across the face about 3/4 of the way through by how much of a Star Wars backbone it has. Almost too much. I suppose it's difficult to write a sci-fi/fantasy without either ripping off Star Wars or LOTR but man... this guy is blatant in a lot of ways. You have to be impressed that he was published so young but still... annoying.

** Almost time to reserve rooms for Comic-Con. The past year or so it has become increasingly hard to duck out of the Hollywood panels to some of the smaller comic panels even though there's always stuff I want to see. This year might not be so hard though as I haven't bought comics in probably six months. And after reading some of the stuff going on in Spidey, I'm pretty happy about that.


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