
100th Post

When I discovered the other day that I was about to hit the 100th post in the history of this blog, I thought I'd do something special for it. So, this is my idea of special. I'm going to take a look back at some of the other "milestone" posts so far and see what we can see. This should be... well, interesting... maybe. Let's see!

Post #1: Grand Opening!

Ahhh, memories. January 6th, 2006 saw the very first post in this blog's history. It was the first thing I did after the wife [who no longer wants to be referred to as "the wife" in these but yet doesn't want her name on here either so henceforth we shall use "Mrs. Blue" or "B" if I'm feeling nice] bought me web server space and my own URL for a birthday gift. On my first post, I ranted a bit about how I came up with the URL because I hear it so frequently... and then I wept a little bit as the guy who played Blue in Old School had died the night before. I said it then and I say it now... that was a cruel fucking twist of fate... and not like the cool Matt Hardy version [fuck Jeff Hardy's... go find your own finisher... stop holding your brother down, that shit ain't right, sucka.]

Post #10: Livin' On The Edge

Huh. This was actually my post encouraging the WWE to not take the World Title off of Edge at the Royal Rubmle. The post was Tuesday, January 24th, just days before the Rumble. I suggested that no one wanted to see HHH/Cena as the Mania main event... and dammit, I think I was right. Oddly, we find ourselves in the same position this year where everyone was really rooting against the tide in hopes that Jeff Hardy would win the World Title at the Rumble so we'd get something unique at Mania... and no, Orton vs Cena vs HHH doesn't count as unique to me. So, twice I've pushed for the underdog to win... and twice I've been denied. Fuck you too, Vince... fuck you too.

Post #25: The Thirty-Something Malaise

Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006... man, I sound depressed in this. It was about a month before I left my Customer Service job... actually about two weeks before I gave my notice. In here I reference that I felt days away from getting fired which turns out to be ironic because they actually offered to take me back after my layoff last November... whatever. A couple things I found really amusing in this post is the Clerks 2 reference that I'm pretty sure I used here recently. Some things really don't change, huh? The other thing I found funny was a drop-in line about Eragon being a fun read and that it's probably make a really good movie. In light of my recent angry review of said movie, this little exercise in turning back the clock proved enlightening!

Post #50: Tracy Morgan Is A Jedi!

Posted on October 16, 2006, I was apparently pretty bored because I was working a 6AM to 3PM shift and found myself with too much time on my hands because for some god-forsaken reason, I DISCUSSED MY ENTIRE TV WATCHING SCHEDULE. Good lord have mercy on those who bothered to read this in 2006. My apologies... but I'll probably do it again at some point because I'm a sadist. Uhhh, take that... who's your favorite New Kid... call me Joey... please don't go girl.

Fuck you. Go watch Mallrats and stop judging me.

This one is so lengthy, I'm looking for good lines... let's hope I had some...

In reference to Studio 60, "It seems to be one of those "too smart for the mass populace" shows that die a painful and regretful death [see: Arrested Development] because the people who watched Everybody Loves Raymond for ten years can't keep up with it." It's funny cause it's true! My mom watched Everybody Loves Raymond and quotes it to tell life lessons... a lot. That should be enough to tell you to spend your time watching Blue-approved television.

30 Rock reference, "It bombed in the ratings though so I probably shouldn't get attached but any show that had an underwear-clad Tracy Morgan running through traffic with a lightsaber screaming "I AM A JEDI!" gets my support for the moment." So, so true. And I'm so, so happy that it somehow managed to pull in enough viewers to stay alive. It's because the Democrats are taking over, you know. No Republicans are watching 30 Rock. The Black Crusaders are who are putting Obama in office, baby. Oprah and Bill Cosby. Remind me to post about the 4 Blackmen Of The Apocalypse that I coined the other night.

In reference to Smackdown, "Lately, it seems like I've been watching wrestling out of force of habit moreso than any kind of enjoyment of it." And that was _before_ the Benoit situation. After that went down, it was very hard for me to watch it and enjoy it for quite a while. I finally worked my way through it to the point where I generally enjoy it when I watch it... even TNA sometimes... but it took a while. To all those people who claim George Lucas raped their childhood, I counter with Chris Benoit... Chris Benoit forcibly sodomized my childhood.

And in the comments section, Mark made fun of me for documenting my TV watching schedule... fittingly so. I'm going to make plans to do it again in October just to punish you all. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! PROFESSOR CHAOS STRIKES AGAIN!

Post #75: Get The Gators Ready!

To demonstrate what a shitty job I did in posting in 2007, the 75th post checked in on January 30th, 2008... well over a year since #50. In this one, I looked back through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia at RollerGames.. which Dave Melter reported as the biggest roller derby in flop in history the other day. Damn him. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GATORS?! THE WALL?! THE JUMP?! LITA FORD?! Although, to my excitement, Meltzer also reported that the producer of that version of RollerGames is looking to get a revamped version of it back on the air! EXACTLY WHAT I SUGGESTED IN MY POST! With any luck, we'll be marking out over a new version of the Los Angeles T-Birds sometime in 2008.

And that's that.

It's been a fun first hundred posts and hopefully it won't take anywhere near this long to get to the next hundred.

Or as my good friend, Poff Daddy, would say...

"It's been a great hundred posts... here's to a hundred more!"

Amen, amigo. Amen.


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