
Time Flies Part Deux

I can't believe I haven't posted here since Tuesday. Not even sure how that happened. I really haven't had much to post about so maybe that's why.

Still sitting around the house waiting for the phone to ring. The job market seems pretty dry at the moment though. The economy may be in worse shape than we realize. Who knows?

I started writing again yesterday. Maybe something will come of that. Hopefully. It'd be awesome to be able to work from home and never have to work 9 to 5 sitting in some stuffy fucking office again. To riding your bike mid-day past the three-piece suits. Who knows?

So, Obama and Hilary duked it out to a draw on Tuesday night. The Republicans are ducking out to clear the way for their nominee while the Democrats are going balls to the wall to battle it out for the nod. Which approach will work better? Who knows?

American Idol Hollywood Week starts up next week. Should be fun. The auditions were pretty entertaining this year. Not as much venom in some of the rejections and some good stories. Best story is a tie between the kid who lives in his car and sings with a British accent and the chick whose dad died while she was on her way to the auditions. Will it be enough to get them through to the next round? Who knows?

Smackdown off the CW? Great. The only WWE show that I actually get in HD is bailing off the channel. It's an interesting situation. I wonder where it'll land. They're talking about USA and MyNetworkTV. Someone somewhere proposed Raw moving to NBC on Monday nights and Smackdown on Thursday on Raw. Like that'd ever happen. It'll be interesting to see how this all shakes out. Who knows?

The wife gave up "laziness" for Lent. I usually try to do the same every year as part of being supportive and all. That's an odd one though. She's using it as her motivation to go to the gym. I'm mixing it between that and writing every other day [at least.] We'll see if it'll stick. Who knows?

The Comic-Con buzz is in the air as hotel room reservations opened this week... and closed just as quickly. For the second year in a row, it was almost impossible to get through to reserve a hotel room. As of this writing, we still don't have one. Between the hotel situation and the crazy crowds last year, the Con is getting a little... a lot... frustrating. Not sure how much longer it'll be worth the trouble. I love getting all the advance buzz... the screenings of clips... the panels, etc. There were people on the Comic-Con blog saying they were going to get a refund on their pre-registrations and skip this year. May not be a bad idea. Who knows?

Annnnnd... I'm out.


30571 Lorna G said...

Ahhh, Lent...that time of year to examine our conscience and forsake ourselves of something we can live without. I thought of a 'dry' Lenten season, but forgot and celebrated Friday with a beer in hand. Maybe next year. Who knows? Cheers!

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