
Super Bowl recap + UFC Picks Results

So, the Super Bowl was yesterday. I don't really care that much about football but we watched it anyways. Pretty much everyone watching with us was rooting for the Giants... not really because anyone likes the Giants [I felt dirty rooting for any team named "Giants" actually] but because everyone's sick of the Patriots/Brady hype and wanted to see their "dream season" get crushed. It was a slow-paced game but the low, close score made things interesting. The Giants' late score sent everyone into a frenzy and... yeah, game over. The commercials [the real reason to watch] were kinda eh this year but the game was decent. Talk about a switch.

Anyways... UFC Picks Results... blah.

I successfully picked 4 out of 9 fights for an average of: .444
Which puts me at 13 out of 27 for the year, an average of: .482

Moneywise, I started the night at +$57
Lost $30 on the Lytle beatdown of Bradley
Lost $30 on the Griffin/Tibau draw
Lost $20 on my split bet for Sylvia
Won $44 on my split bet for Mir.

On the night, I ended up down $36.
Which puts me at being up $21 on the year.

Better luck next time!


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