
News And Reaction: The Wrestling Edition

I figured it's been a while since I've tossed some Rassle Talk on this blog so... here goes!

NEWS: WWE experimenting with a little more "shock TV"
REACTION: Well, honestly, I don't know. Regal pulling the plug on Raw's main event was amusing and didn't bother me one bit. I thought it was a clever way to get some heat on the new heel. All the 'net outrage over the main event's finish not being seen is amusing - maybe it's because I grew up watching wrestling in the 80's when that was a real common ploy but it was just fine with me. Will it lead to more viewers? Maybe initially - the curiosity factor to see what will happen to Regal because of it. But an initial bump is all they'll get unless they instill a new feeling of unpredictability to every show. The ECW thing was interesting but I'm not sure an angle built off bad reaction to an announcer's performance is a good thing. Eh. I didn't even watch it, to be honest. I might tune in for the aftermath.

NEWS: TNA is... well, TNA
REACTION: I've given up again. There's just nothing worth seeing. I want to be interested in Samoa Joe as the champ since he's one of my favs but... really? I just don't care. And Russoiffic concepts like the Deuces Wild tag tourney do nothing to make me change my mind about that. Oh, not to mention the new round cage introduced one month after an all-cage match PPV. Money, baby, money.

NEWS: ROH in the Hammerstein this weekend
REACTION: In what could be the biggest weekend for the nation's top indy in its history, Ring of Honor invades the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC this weekend for an attempt to take a step up the ladder. It's a big risk to take but they have stacked the lineup for it. I'll be curious to see the results [and the attendance] as they have recently set up a couple of interesting angles to get my attention again.

NEWS: PWG snakebit
REACTION: Can't go through one of these without putting over the local product. The PWG faithful were all looking forward to their big two night tag tourney [DDT4] in a couple of weeks. They had to make the usual pre-show lineup juggling but all was well... until their champ went down with a knee injury. Now, with their big Labor Day tourney and another show with Dragon Gate on the horizon, they're scrambling again. I know what I would do... but I'm not on the writing staff for them for some unknown reason!

REACTION: Oh yeah, baby! The big XPW reunion show is Memorial Day weekend and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. The latest addition has a Dream Death Match with former XPW King of the Death Match Supreme taking on the quickly-becoming-legendary Necro Butcher. Now _that_ should be fun.


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