
Top Five Friday: Iron Man

Grrrr...arrrrgh... nowhere in my wedding vows do I recall, "I will pause the Laker playoff game that you knew was on at 6 PM (and that I openly declared my intent to leave Happy Hour at 5:45 so I would be home on time for the game) so that you have time to get home from a trip to Aaron Brothers that you openly admit was a "last minute thing since you weren't going to be home""

Everybody got that?

So, Top Five Friday. Saw Iron Man last night. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. If I had done last week's Top Five this week, I would have had some serious difficulty pulling it off. My immediate thought walking out of the movie is that I think it's very close to Batman Begins in quality level but I'm not sure if it surpasses it.

But that's a topic for another time.

The topic for today? The Top Five Reasons You Want To See Iron Man... a slightly spoilerish edition so avert thine eyes if you're sensitive to spoilerish materials.

Images inserted as spoiler space.

5. FX
You know those moments during The Hulk? Or those moments during the trailer for the new Hulk movie? Or even some of those moments during the Star Wars prequels? You know the moments I'm talking about... the moments when you see an action sequence or a CGI "thing" on the screen that makes you scratch your chin and say, "You know, that's just not right." I never had a moment like that during Iron Man. It was all completely natural and looked/felt right. And to top it off, during the credits, I remembered that the work was a joint effort between ILM and Stan Winston [who is a mofuckin' genius.] And to pay them tribute, I say... I honestly have no idea where ILM's work ends and Winston's begins. Big props on that.

4. The little things
When making a HUUUUUUGE FX heavy action flick, it's easy to forget the little things that make movies charming and adorable. Iron Man is not short on any of those moments. Whether it's Tony being the alcoholic playboy or the little machines that help him build and test the suit and his relationship with them or Pepper Potts just being so damn adorable, this movie has all the little things that will make you smile and know it's more than one explosion after another.

3. The acting
The acting in this movie is phenomenal. There's not a single cast member that uttered a single line that felt forced or unnatural. In fact, that's a big plus for Iron Man over Batman Begins, IMO. Every member of the cast _was_ their character in my eyes and I never felt I was watching someone "play a role"... other than trying to wrap my head around The Dude being some big bald businessman. Go figure.

2. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark
This is a little bit of a double-dip from #3 but RDJ _was_ Tony Stark. He had everything down pat in the way that I would envision Tony Stark if a comic book came to life. He was the alcohol-chuggin', womanizin', fast car-drivin', private jet ridin', suit of highly technological buildin' son of a gun. Everything seemed right and he seemed totally natural in the role. The frustrating thing of it all was that I watched Fantastic Four 2 yesterday before seeing this and the difference between the portrayal of Tony Stark as a brilliant scientist and Reed Richards as the "smartest man in the Marvel Universe" was absolutely astonishing. I really wish Marvel had taken creative control of their own properties sooner.

Well, it's not _really_ #1 probably but it was so, so, so awesome as a comic book geek, I encourage one and all to stick through finding out who the Best Boy and Ms. Paltrow's Assistant was just so you can see it. Don't be like the two people I've talked to today who missed it and then went nutty when I told them what happened. Stick around and see it for yourself so you can post a comment here saying how absolutely batshit fucking awesome it was.

And that, my friends... is that. Go Lakers!


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