
In Jobs We Trust

I thought a follow-up apology post to my computer was in order. You see, it turns out that it was not the computer with the sick sense of humor - but I do have the feeling that that humming noise coming from it was not the fan but rather a deep chuckle.

No, after further review, I discovered it was a not a hardware issue I was facing.

No, no - it was not a software issue either.

It was, in fact, a loose nut behind the wheel.

After weeks of pondering and troubleshooting and purchasing new hardware and all that jazz, a quick repair of the disk permissions solved all my problems.

And yes, Best Buy took back the external burner with little fuss.

All is right again with the world.

Now if I could only get my new Terabyte drive to finish making the copy of the hard drive so I can install Leopard on it.

Anyways, I knew you would all want to know.


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