
Phil Collins Never Sounded So Good

With the smell of Wrestlemania in the air, I stumbled upon this on YouTube tonight. There's so many really crappy fan-made videos on the 'net, it always impresses me when I find one that looks like it could have been done professionally.

This is one of those.

Two things about this video that struck me while watching it...

1] Somehow, I was happy the creator chose not to ignore the Benoit/Eddie hug from several years ago. At the time, that was one of my favorite Wrestlemania moments - I can still remember screaming at the TV for HHH to tap to the Crossface. It'd be a shame to let what happened with Benoit to ruin every in-ring memory of him, I think. Just my opinion.

2] The Flair/HBK finish rarely fails to send a shiver up my spine and this time was no exception.


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