
Movies Added: Airplane, Cloverfield, Clerks!

I thought it might be a good idea to make note of when I add movies to my Movies Watched In 2009 list on the sidebar for those of you who don't check it religiously. Today, somehow turned into quite the movie night despite a DVR busting at the seams and a moderately busy day.

First on the list was...

Of course, I've seen Airplane countless times but it really is one of those that just never can grow old on you. It must be a long time since I've seen it on a non-basic cable channel though because there were a handful of jokes that I don't recall that I'm guessing were edited for content. Seeing something like this just really makes you wonder what happened to the lost art of the parody film. Scary Movie is the last one I recall being decent - not that I've watched Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans and the other assorted shit that has flooded the market in recent years. It also makes you treasure just how awesome Leslie Nielsen is. He really isn't the star of this one but he definitely steals the show. Seeing this today made me want to watch the Naked Gun movies again. RECOMMENDED BY BLUE

I remember being super-stoked about Cloverfield when the first trailer came out last year. I was really eager to see it - being a big JJ Abrams fan didn't hurt matters - but somehow, I just never managed to catch it when it came out. By the time it came out on DVD, I didn't really care much anymore and never bothered with it. But during the Best of '08 episode of the /filmcast, they were putting over Cloverfield as being one of the most fun movies of the year so I decided I finally needed to check it out. I thought it was a lot of fun and a great take on your typical "monster movie." The brevity of the movie made it a sprint of action and excitement which really turned out well. Stylistically, I like the choice to go for the "home movie" look although if you have a hard time watching things like The Shield or even shooter video games, you may want to skip this one. The Missus couldn't make it through the movie without having to turn away because she thought the camera movement was going to make her sick. Alas, she missed a fun ride. RECOMMENDED BY BLUE

I was flipping around post-Cloverfield trying to find something I've seen to ignore in the background while I sat on the computer since the Missus still wasn't feeling well enough to watch something else. And then came Clerks. Clerks is another one that I can't ever get tired of - although for the first time tonight, I noticed a few times when the dialogue seemed a little stilted. One of the best things about Clerks is that it's the dream story for all us aspiring filmmakers out there. It's the movie that makes us all feel that no matter how tough it gets, there's always hope. Plus, it's a damn fine flick. I can't imagine many people who'd find this blog entertaining haven't seen it but just in case... RECOMMENDED BY BLUE


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