


That's the best word I can use to describe my feelings after seeing the pilot for Fox's new show Glee (available at last glance for free on the Apple iTunes Store.)

I loved it. Absolutely adored it. No surprise for those of you who recall my "affinity for musicals", I'm sure. It was cute, charming, well-done, quirky, had likable characters that you could relate to, and all those little things that make shows so much fun. Plus, did I mention that it has musical numbers? Word.

A Facebook friend had opined that Glee was the most fun and engaging first show they've seen since Pushing Daisies. I'm not sure I'm ready to pour that much love on it quite yet but it's not far off the mark. How can you not love a show that drops a performance of Mr. Cellophane and I Kissed A Girl in the same segment?

But therein lies the sigh.

Because if Fox as a company has showed us absolutely anything at all, it's that they can't be trusted with a property worth having. See: Firefly, Arrested Development, Wonderfalls among others. And my immediate reaction upon watching this magnificent piece of television was...

"How the hell did they get Fox to approve this pilot and how the hell will it survive more than three episodes?"

My faith in Fox has never been lower [even after the Dollhouse renewal] so I'm not hopeful that this show will be around past the fall of 2009 so I'll opt to enjoy the time with it that I get and hope for the best.

If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and go check it out.


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