
Top 25 Songs EVER!

A few days ago, I launched a project that I expect to take quite some time.

I decided that I would attempt to create a list of my Top 25 favorite songs... EVER!

For most, this would be a near-impossible task. For me, it gets even worse because of my OCDish tendency to want to make all "mixtapes"/lists the same way. Start with every possibility and work my way backwards one by one by one. So, couple that insanity with a library that currently hits over 7000 songs - you can quickly sense my problem.

But I've only been working at this for a handful of days [okay, maybe a week or so] and I'm already down to 5000 so progress is being made and being made rapidly.

Even at this early stage though, I've already encountered tough choices.

Cut Pearl Jam's "Last Kiss?" Really? It seems like a painful thing to do but when I actually stop and think about it, there's likely 25 Pearl Jam songs ALONE that I like better than "Last Kiss" so it's almost impossible that it'd actually crack the 25.

Then there was the decision to eliminate all Christmas music from consideration. It just didn't seem a fair comparison to make. I almost made the same choice with classical/score type music but I've opted not to... for now.

It is, however, giving me a chance to hear songs that I haven't heard in a long, long time. I'm constantly surprised to see the low play counts for songs that I really, really like. And likewise, I'm surprised to see the high play counts for songs that I barely know although some of that we can blame on having a shared library, I'm sure.

It's a fun project though. In the 30 minutes before I started writing this, I knocked off an additional hundred plus songs so as long as I can get a chance to knock down a heaping handful a day, this should be done... oh, sometime this summer at worst, right?




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