
A Barrage Of Digg News

The good, the bad, and the crazy brought to you by the fine folks at Digg this morning...

*** Speaking of crazy, how 'bout that Catholic Church? I'm sure I'll take some heat for that comment from my church-going wife but this time, I've got proof in this story that tells the tale of a 9-year old girl in Brazil who was raped and impregnated by her stepfather. She got an abortion from a sympathetic doctor and the all-too-powerful Catholic Church responded by ex-communicating the girl and the doctor and anyone else who assisted with her getting the procedure done. Awesome. You've gotta love the theory that the Church's policies are more important than the physical and mental well-being of its followers. But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?

*** As someone who was among the first people booted off of Napster thanks to Metallica, I took special interest in this story with Lars taking great pride in their part in bringing what was once [and my opinion, all time] the best file-sharing platform ever. When asked about the downfall of Napster, Lars says, "You have to give props to the other side because they did run a brilliant campaign, and they did portray me and Metallica as being greedy rock pigs and luddites who were completely behind what was happening technologically. But I am proud of what we did, and what we stood up for." Good grief, Charlie Brown. Talk about delusional.

*** THIS is how Walter Cronkite should be remembered. For the legacy he leaves that today's media couldn't dare dream to live up to. If you only read one of these articles posted today, read this one because my words couldn't do it justice.


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