
Chasing Amy

Watched the end of Shaft when I got home tonight. Started wondering why they never made more of them. I really dig that movie.

Now Chasing Amy is on - which is easily my favorite Kevin Smith movie - and I'm bummed that I'm going to sleep soon and am gonna miss the end of it.

It also made me realize that I'm pretty sure I don't own this movie on DVD.

Which continued a thought I had a few days ago that it seems far more likely that you may not own a movie that you really like as opposed to owning a song that you really like. That may be a matter of pure economics but I found it kinda interesting. That whole thought process popped up while I continued my work on my Top 25 Songs Of All Time list. At some point, I wondered if it was possible that I didn't have a song or two that I might want to consider for the list - mostly oldies, I'd imagine. But as I thought more about it, I figured it was very implausible that I wouldn't have dropped the $1.29 to buy almost every song I mildly enjoy - although I do run across a few from time to time.

But movies on the other hand. I can name quite a few movies - starting with Chasing Amy and including Casino which I also saw most of it recently (two of my favorite movies, by the by) that I don't own on DVD. Of course, I hardly ever watch anything on DVD anymore so...

...but that's a story for another time.

So, think about it, kids, and you tell me... is it harder to own every movie you love on DVD or to own every song you love on


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