
Bridge School Benefit Rumors 2009

Well, I wouldn't really call them rumors, I guess. I have absolutely no evidence of anything I'm about to claim.

But, in all honesty, if you Google "Bridge School Benefit Rumors" you still get my post from last year so... well, I'm a whore for a post that'll get me quite a few page views! So sue me!

Actually, it's a little odd to not have much in the way of rumors at this point in the game. We're only a few weeks away from the lineup officially being announced. Is there that little interest this time around or is it just "too early?" My original post last year was actually August 14th which is totally coincidental, I assure you.

FYI, I successfully selected two bands last year not counting Neil Young himself. And although it wasn't in my post, I had talked about how I thought the Pumpkins were a strong possibility. So, let's say I called three of them! Wooo hoo me!

Let's take a crack at this...

First off... the "buzz" on the Internet that I was able to find had these as possibles.
Both of these are listed as "rumors" by someone on the Coachella board:

Pearl Jam (as of now, they have the dates cleared but who knows? I was surprised they didn't play last year considering it was an election year and all so I'd be doubly surprised if they don't make it back this year)
Dave Matthews Band (possible according to tour schedule but PLEASE GOD NO! I thought I was going to need to slit my wrists when they played Bridge a few years ago and I don't know if I can handle the thought of sitting through them again)

Another blog, Spinning Platters, picked a six band "educated guess" kinda like I'm shooting for. They went with Weezer, Neko Case, Rufus Wainwright, Stone Temple Pilots, Monsters of Folk, and Jason Mraz.

Yeah, I could live with that. Let's hope they're right!

My turn...

The show will, of course, start with some stuff from Pegi and Neil. That leaves 6 or 7 spots.

I'll go with the easy one first. I'm fairly sure Pearl Jam will make their BSB return this year.

And while the Neko Case argument from Spinning Platters makes sense, I'm going to say that it'll be Regina Spektor instead who will be in Los Angeles on 10/28. There's a chance there could be both - which would be awesome - but I don't expect it.

Josh Radin is playing with The Watson Twins supporting in Los Angeles on 10/28 so I'm gonna pick them to join the bill. Potentially, I might go with a Jenny Lewis or Rilo Kiley appearance here as well to work with the Watsons.

That probably only leaves 2 spots. Snow Patrol looks like they're ending their tour in Los Angeles on 10/20 and the Decemberists will be in SF the week before BSB. I'm going with my hope on this one that the Decemberists hang around for a set.

And my final pick is that Bob Dylan will be there as well. He's finishing a run of shows in LA on 10/15 so it wouldn't be too big of a stretch.

So, there it is...

Pegi kicks off the show.
The Watsons get the early day death slot.
Josh Radin goes on next.
The Decemberists are on as night starts to fall.
Regina Spektor is next.
Pearl Jam blows everyone away as usual.
Bob Dylan takes the lengthy pre-Neil slot.
Neil wraps it all up.

Oh, and I'll call the PJ/Dylan pairing on "Masters Of War" that will rock my pants.


Anonymous said...

I would say Dylan & Monsters of Folk. Not sure on the others.

Thom Yorke? Eddie Vedder?

Anonymous said...

you're safe with DMB NOT being in it this year, as they are playing a cruise getaway show...

Anonymous said...

Tom Petty's not doing anything....

Anonymous said...

Dylan typically flys direct back to NY after tours have ended, unless he feels like chillin the bay area for a week. That would be SWEET.

Anonymous said...

Black Crowes?

Anonymous said...

list is up-wolfmother, sheryl crow,no doubt,chris martin

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