
What Have You Done For Me Lately?

I read earlier tonight that Bryan Singer is growing close to signing on to produce and possibly direct a Battlestar Galactica feature film. Ordinarily, in a post-Superman Returns world, I'm not sure I'd know how to feel about that.

Luckily, Universal has managed to make my feelings very strong about this one.

Despite the fact that they're rolling over a super-popular, critically acclaimed BSG series helmed by Ron Moore, they've decided that they don't need Moore involved with this project. And yeah, I guess that's true since they've decided to ignore the recent TV series and make this movie a throwback to the original series.

If I had the emoticon for shaking my head nearby, I'd use it here.

I mean... fuck.


I'm not sure where this ranks on the stupidity scale but I have to imagine it may be just a little bit lower than Fox deciding to base a Buffy movie remake on the original film and not the wildly-popular Joss Whedon TV series.

So, two amazingly talented writer/directors give you two amazingly fantastic TV series that revive your property that was basically dead and buried before they came along and their reward for their hard work and talent?

"Well, we'll just do this next one without you."

What have you done for me lately?


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