
Jack F'n Clark

I know, I know. It's been a while.

But this is a good one! I promise!

I'm watching the Dodgers/Rockies game right now and Vin Scully just said that the Dodgers haven't been "INSERT CURRENT RECORD HERE!" since 1985. Vinny then says, "Of course, none of these players would remember but when you say 1985, all you can remember is Jack Clark, the St. Louis Cardinals, Ozzie Smith, Tom Niedenfuer, and of course, Tommy Lasorda."


In fact, if I was a tattoo man... and of course I'm not... but if I was, I'd have a tattoo of a Dodger blue heart broken in half tattooed on my chest with the words "1985 - Jack Clark - Never Forget"

DOUBLE IN FACT... while I shall never have said tattoo on my chest, if any of my loyal readers have some Photoshop skillz, I would think you're the absolute bestest if you Photoshopped up a copy of said tattoo above.

Oh, and major thanks to the person who sent in the comment telling me that the Dave Matthews Band won't be available for Bridge School. In the not-so-original-yet-paraphrased words of Jeff Buckley, "HALLE-F'N-LUJAH!"


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