
The "Big Game"

For those of you alarmed by my love of Harry Potter and Veronica Mars... for those frightened by my singing of showtunes... I'm about to drop another bombshell.

I'm really not that fond of football.


Followed by cries of "queer", "fag", and "fudgepacker", I'm sure.

I just don't get it. On a day where the majority of men in the United States are falling all over themselves to see the culmination of the sissiest season in all of sports [16 games, bitch please] I'm struck with a killer case of apathy.

I watched the game... just like I do every year. And I just didn't care... just like every year.

I can follow football. From time to time, I can even slightly enjoy it [mostly college though]. But I just don't see the overwhelming mass appeal.

Theory #1 says it's because there's no team in Los Angeles... meaning I have no team to care if they win or lose. A valid theory for sure. But there's hockey teams in SoCal and I couldn't give two shits about them most of the time either.

Theory #2 says it's because I didn't grow up watching it. My grandpa taught me about baseball from the moment I was able to comprehend the slightest thing he was saying and as a result, that's my game. It's the game I played, it's the game I love... and no, you instant gratification mental midgets, it's not boring. My aunts got into basketball in the mid-80's and I've watched the Lakers ever since then as well. No one ever watched the Raiders or Rams in my house so maybe it's just not ingrained in me to give a damn about that pigskin.

Theory #3 might be... it's boring. It is! I swear to God that it is. For those who bitch and moan about how you can sit around and watch three hours of baseball with no "action"... have you seen some of these football snorefests? Good christ almighty. And when's the last time you saw a home run taken away because someone fifty feet away from the play got his shirt held? HUH?! Sure, you occasionally see a great run or an incredible pass or a sick sack... but most of the time it's guys running for three yards at a time or throwing the ball out of bounds intentionally or dropping the ball. It's just flat out dull most of the time.

But yet... these so-called men are enthralled by it.

Why? Someone _must_ explain it to me. Please.

Song I'm Listening To Currently: There And Back Again - The Legends
Book I'm Reading Currently: "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini (p.350)
Movie I Last Saw In The Theater: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [IMAX]


mark said...

oh the horror! no big love of america's past time?

Actually that was sarcasm. The game was not that interesting at all. I wished that the patriots were in it so I could have overturned cars and burned a couch or two.

Instead - we got to watch the salute and bid farewell to a guy nicknamed "the Bus" and lame ass commercials.

Sad state of affairs- esp. the NFL selling Detroit as some sort of resort that people should visit every february. yeah.

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