
The Golden Child

What the hell is going on with Eddie Murphy's career? I've been on a bit of a Dreamgirls kick lately [fuck you too] and he was excellent in that... the perfect blend of over-the-top and sympathetic while still being a complete dickhole. Perfect. Then, of course, everyone knows about Norbit. I argue that maybe he was already signed on for that before he hit dramatic greatness in Dreamgirls. But I'm looking at IMDB and I can't believe the slate of shit that awaits. The only thing that looks promising is a flick in pre-production called "1,000 Words" which has a plot synop of "What happens when a man learns he only has 1,000 words to speak before he dies" - a premise that sounds like it could be quite soulful and touching but could be turned into something far, far different. Considering Brian Robbins of Head Of The Class fame is directing and thusfar in his stellar career has turned in pics like Norbit and Wild Hogs, I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up.

That's really all I had. Sorry!

Just read that he got 15.5 mil for Norbit.


Those motherfuckers in Hollywood should be strung up for holding out on the writers while giving Eddie 15.5 mil for Norbit. Holy fucking shit.

In fact... look at this...

* Best Defense (1984) $1,000,000
* Beverly Hills Cop III (1994) $15,000,000
* The Nutty Professor (1996) $20,000,000
* Dr. Dolittle (1998) $20,000,000
* Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000) $20,000,000 + $36,633,393 (20% of the $181,166,965 gross)
* Shrek (2001) $3,000,000
* Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001) $20,000,000
* The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002) $20,000,000
* Shrek 2 (2004) $10,000,000
* Dreamgirls (2006) $3,850,000
* Norbit (2007) $15,500,000
* Shrek the Third (2007) $15,500,000
* Jermaine Bolling (2010) $15,500,000

That son of a bitch is a rich, rich man. He got 15.5 mil for JUST TALKING IN SHREK 3! And they're making a Shrek 4? Didn't we all get sick of Shrek somewhere around... ohhh... the opening credits of Shrek 2: Shrek Harder?

Ok... now... that's really all I had. Swear.

He had a song called "Boogie In Your Butt?!" Why do I not own this gem?!

After downloading Bob Saget's classic tune, "My Dog Licked My Balls" earlier tonight... err, this morning... I feel the need to own all songs by comedians... whether they are intentionally funny or not.

Seriously... I'm done now.

Wait. His illegitimate daughter is named Angel Iris Murphy Brown? Seriously? Somewhere Candice Bergen is smiling since she's still relevant to someone in the world not named Aretha Franklin.

Right. I've made fun of him as an actor, a musician, and his bastard daughter.

Not bad for 16 minutes of effort.


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