
There Will Be Old Men


I hate it when I may be wrong. It really pisses me off and is quite the blow to my eternal feeling of perfection in all things.


I may have been mistaken in my movie reviews from Sunday morning. I might have been hasty and speaking before I had time to process them a bit and wrap my arms completely around them.

And no, I'm not just saying this because they were both successful on Oscar Night. I was really thinking about There Will Be Blood specifically for a large portion of the day.

As I said earlier, my only real issue with it was the lack of cohesive feel... the lack of a continuing narrative from one segment to the next... the thread that ties the movie together rather than it being four or five individual portions of a film. The ending, while very well-done, also felt a little... off... to me. It seemed extreme and out of character. But the more I've thought about the movie and done a little digging on the Interweb to get a sense of what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish, I get a better feeling about the movie. I start to embrace it a bit more and understand more of what they were aiming to do.

Yes, I know. It seems odd that you have to research a movie to figure out if you like it but... well, it is what it is. I think There Will Be Blood was going to be an easier sell to me as I liked the acting and almost everything about it... but I just needed that one thread to tie it all together to be able to embrace what the movie was _truly_ about. I knew the plot... but I didn't understand the point. I think I've got a grip on this one now and while I still don't think it was Best Picture worthy, I can see it being nominated... and yes, I think I would be more-than-willing to watch it again to see if a second viewing will make me like it as much as I think it might.

No Country For Old Men? Well, it dawned on me Sunday night that it was made by the Coen Brothers... which instantly made sense to me. Years ago, Mrs. Blue [before she was Mrs. Blue] dragged me to see some movie that was getting a lot of buzz called Fargo... yes, that Fargo. I despised it. It just didn't click for me and came off as hollow. Years later when I rewatched it, I found myself enjoying it and I've actually seen it a few times lately on Starz. It's an excellent flick that grew on me with time and... oh, let's just say "maturity" for the chance to be both "artistic" and "ironic." The Coens were also behind The Big Lebowski which I completely hated when I first saw it and now cling to like Linus to his blanket to the extreme of having bought a bunch of talking Lebowski bobbleheads at Comic-Con last year to distribute to my friends.

So, the Coens and I go way back in me misunderstanding and despising their work inititally only to find great enjoyment in it years later. When I realized that NCFOM was their work... well, let's just say I looked forward to watching it on the HD IMAX of my mind in 2013 and enjoying the fuck out of it.

I'm still not sold on NCFOM's ending... I'm just not. I loved the rest of it [minus a few snags] and thought it was very well done... until the last ten minutes or so. Can ten minutes completely kill a movie for someone? I drew the comparison earlier but there's been many a wrestling match that has gotten rave reviews that spotlight, "It would have been a Match of the Year... except for the shitty finish." That is NCFOM in a nutshell to me.


That being said, sometimes it takes a little insight to bring enlightenment... and after a LOT of reading Sunday night on the Interweb, I think I "get" what they were trying to do. It's sad that it comes to that... but yeah, I think I get what they were trying to accomplish.

Look, I appreciate television and movies that make people think. I don't like to be spoonfed bullshit that is paint-by-numbers... all the time. Everything has it's place in the entertainment world... except King Arthur. Fuck that shit.

So, with that in mind... if I'm correct in what they were trying to accomplish with NCFOM, well... they succeeded. In trying to paint a bigger picture, the smaller details were forsaken and they left behind an audience saying, "What the fuck?" It's a bad thing short-term... but it's only a bad thing if the road ends there. If you take the time to figure it out... well, it can end up being a rewarding experience.

I think I "get it" which makes me smile a bit - at both myself for so completely reversing opinions and at the Coens for making me do so. I applaud them for thinking outside the box... as long as they knew what they were getting themselves into.

I'm being very vague here and I know it. But... well, I feel a little guilty for tearing into these two films now. Both should be viewed so people can decide for themselves. There will be movies, TV shows, albums that I will flatly tell you are not worth the shit on my shoes and should be treated accordingly. These two I'm giving advance warning that... well, you may not like them when you walk out but don't let your brain check out there.

Think a little bit about it... discuss it with others... then form your opinion. If you still think it's asstastic, more power to you.

But even the best of us still have the ability to surprise ourselves... and that's a hell of a thing to treasure.

Speaking of movies to think about, Major League is on. Man, Ricky Vaughn's motivation and drive chills me to the bone as does the director's political statement on a post-Cold War society trying to deal with the harshness of demilitarization.

Or maybe it's just a bitchin' baseball flick.

Fuck it. You figure it out.


Anonymous said...

Okay, your past 2 movie posts have my mind reeling (no pun intended). There's so much I want to respond to, but I'm not quite the writer you are (not even close, as a matter of fact), but I agree with some & beg to differ on others. First off - watch this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=bAWyVhVFGTE Absolutely hilarious spoof on the ending of TWBB.

Secondly, I agree with you that TWBB does NOT earn Best Pic - Best acting? Unequivocally. DDL did some of the best acting I've seen in a while - absolutely transcended several plains, if you will. NCFOM - honestly, this was a GREAT movie. The acting chops of Josh were really exemplified & TLJ did his usual good job. I don't think anyone other than Javier could have played that part.

Let me tell you this - no other movie held you on the edge of your seat (and I don't mean like a thriller or horror flic) like NCFOM did. There was a constant tension & in the back of your mind, you desperately kept telling the characters what to do! No other movie really did that - immerse you into the story so much. That's what movies are all about - immerse you, on some level, into the story, effects, acting, character development, cinematics etc...)The ending - how exactly DO you end this movie. I understand why some people were left scratching their head, but I also understand what the Cohen's were doing. THAT'S a Cohen brother's movie - deal with it is what I say. As a side note - another really entertaining movie by the Cohen's is The Hudsucker Proxy - check it out. The ending to NCFOM isn't perfect, but it does fit the movie - kind of gritty, not perfect, makes you think, left up for interpretation, & is a little "off" etc..

Anyways, I thought TWBB & NCFOM were two REALLY great movies and I'm passionate about movies - which is why I'm so excited about 2008 - there seem to be A LOT of great movies on the horizon. These two were really at the top of the field. I didn't see Atonement or Juno - Juno looks great and, from my first look, I can understand why it got the Best Screenplay nod. I'm a huge fan of the Bourne movies - I've read all of the books and, in this rare case, I think the books evolved into better movies - mostly because of the advances in technology that is used in the story and also the advances in movie making. Anyways, like I said, I could really go off (in a good way) about your movie posts as I love movies and talking about them. This is obviously the longest reply that Noriyuku "Pat" Morita has ever done - maybe he should start his own blog - no, we'll leave the blogging to someone who can do it right - like our boy, BLUE!

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