
Quick Pick Results

Hey, hey, hey... I did pretty well.

So, as a reminder, going into the show...

Picks Average For The Year: 13 out of 27 fights for a .482
Money For The Year: +$21

And after the show?

I got 8 of 10 right last night! Woooooo!

That puts me at 21 out of 37 for the year for a .568... getting better.

Moneywise? Let's take a look...

Lost $10 on Hazelett
Lost $10 on Bielkheden
Lost $10 on Wilson
Lost $10 on Tanner
Won $16 on Leben
Won $24.50 on Herring
Won $65 on Silva

So, I started at +$21 going into last night and on last night's show, I ended up at +$65.50.

And that puts me at up $86.50 for the year.


21 out of 37 for the year for .568
Moneywise - +86.50 for the year


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