
News And Reaction: The Entertainment Version

Not a whole lot striking my interest to write about tonight so... a handful of little topics!

NEWS: NBC Puts Office Spinoff On Fall Schedule
REACTION: My immediate reaction is: "Cool! Another series by the Office creators! That'll rock!" My second reaction is... "Wait, the showrunners have no idea on what to do for a spinoff? And the network put it on the schedule anyways? That's... fucked." My biggest problem with is is that I'd be concerned that The Office would get watered down - that the creators would be so overworked, the quality level would slip. We already saw that a bit with all the hourlong episodes earlier this season and they've got more "super-sized" episodes coming next season. I hope they know what they're getting into.

NEWS: Lost May Be Getting One More Hour This Season
REACTION: Ohhhh hellllll yeah! More Lost = it's all good in the hood. Since Lost came back on in early '07, it has been nothing short of spectacular and it seems like it's only getting better. Whether it's an extra episode or a two hour finale, it's all golden, baby.

NEWS: Oprah On 30 Rock?
REACTION: Ohhhh fuuuuuuck no! I hate Oprah - hate her with every fiber of my being. Hate her in every way possible that you can hate a celebrity who has no major impact on your life. But god dammit, woman... you ruin enough of the world of television, don't you dare step foot on my 30 Rock!

NEWS: Script Pages Leak From Stone's Movie About Bush
REACTION: I was curious to see it actually. I love JFK so I was wondering where Stone would take a movie about Bush. On the first page, Bush calls Rove "Turdblossom." I'll let that sink in for a bit. Turdblossom. That news either makes this the greatest movie of all time or the worst thing to hit the silver screen since King Arthur. Discuss amongst yourselves.

NEWS: Fight Club: The Musical?
REACTION: No f'n shit. From MTV Movie News online, I discover an article saying that David Fincher wants to do a Broadway musical version of Fight Club for the 10th anniversary of the movie. And if that's not cool enough news, he intends to secure the services of Trent Reznor to write the music for it. Excuse me? Can we change that "no f'n shit" to "HOLY F'N SHIT!" This is one of the coolest pieces of news that I've seen in ages.


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