
Superman vs Wolverine!

Impossible, you say?

Imagine the not-so-distant future. You race into your local comic store on Wednesday, quickly looking over the racks to find your favs. Captain America is back... and yes, it's an alive Steve Rogers. Batman's in some kind of grave danger and questioning his role in society... check. Spider-man is back to being a mystery and the Punisher is still killing people.

You grab for the latest edition of the Justice League of America. The team is engaged in some major battle... all the major players are involved... Batman, Wonder Woman, GL, Flash... there seems like there's someone missing though. Can't quite place who but something just doesn't seem quite right.

You pick up all the Superman books. They're all still there. But again, something's just a little different. The numbering of the books seems off too and the logo is... hrmm.

You're flipping through the pages of the Superman issue. Was that Nick Fury? Couldn't have been.

You grab for a copy of the Avengers. Yep, they're all there too. Cap, Thor, Iron Man... hey, who's the guy with the big "S" on his chest? That's weird.

As you reach the register, there's a giant pile of books that are among the most-hyped. You look at the cover... it's a shot of Wolverine attempting to shove his claws into the guts of Superman. It's a beautifully done cover and as you marvel [no pun intended] at the company cooperation... you notice no DC logo on the book. It's Marvel only.

And you wake up with a start! Whew, that was a close one. A world where Marvel controlled Superman? Now _that_ was a dream... or a nightmare.

Or was it?

A couple weeks ago, Warner Bros lost a lawsuit to determine who owned the rights to Superman. The court ruled the rights belonged to the heirs of Siegel and Schuster, the original creators.

What's that mean?

Well, it means that the heirs could tell WB to shove it and kill any upcoming Superman film properties.

It also means, in five years time when the contract expires, they could very well sell the comic book rights to Marvel.

Will it happen? Probably not.

But Superman gone from the JLA? The Big Three becomes the Big Two? Marvel gets the Man of Steel?

The mind boggles at the possibilities.


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