
Top Five Friday: Music Street Cred

I just failed in scoring pre-sale tickets to Radiohead at the Hollywood Bowl and oddly, that doesn't really do much to disappoint me. I really think I was more enamored with the idea of selling the tickets at a hefty profit than I was of actually attending the show.

You see, while there may be many, many different reasons for it, Radiohead has always fell into that category of "Bands I'm Supposed To Really Like But Just Can't Get Into."

So, as I was sitting here thinking of that, inspiration struck and I proudly present (while being fully aware I'm about to butcher my music street cred)...


5. Radiohead
Okay, I have to admit here. I just don't get it. Yeah, there are a handful of Radiohead songs that I dig and I'm sure there would be a bunch more if I took the time to seek them out but Radiohead's not exactly a band that makes me weak at the knees at the thought of them. And I know everyone goes ga-ga over them and the fact that a ticket that sold 20 minutes ago for $39 is already over $250 online should prove that people really, really like them. But I'm just not one of them... and that kills my indie street cred. #5a would be the Flaming Lips who fit the same category. I've had multiple people tell me the Lips were the best concert they ever attended... and I just can't imagine that.

4. Led Zeppelin
Egads. I just butchered my music street cred but... it is what it is! I like some Zep stuff, I truly do. But on the whole, I just don't buy into them as the great legendary rock band that everyone else does. This one I almost feel is a lack of exposure issue but... well, they haven't exactly inspired me to rush out and "get exposed" to them. I'd still love to see them live though... for dueling reasons, 1 - I'd love to be able to say that I had and 2 - sometimes seeing a band live gives you a new appreciation for them [see: Primus]

This is right there with #4 except there are even less KISS songs that I like. Again, this may be a lack of exposure and everyone I know who has seen them live swears that if you haven't seen them live, you can't appreciate them. But the odd thing about their live show is that you always hear about the pyro, the zany effects, and blood spitting... not the music. In a confession that will further damage my street cred, I went to a Limp Bizkit/Eminem show some years ago with the goal primarily of seeing Limp Bizkit. It was that one show where Durst and his boyz relied on cheap theatrics, effects, and pyro over letting their music do the talking for them that soured me on the band. Of course, the later realization that their music talking for them would have been a VERY bad idea didn't help matters. Side note: Eminem was far and away the best performer to take the stage that night and I'm very happy that I got to see him live.

2. The Ramones
Ahhh, the Ramones - the godfathers of punk rock. My problem with the Ramones dates back to 1995 when I saw them open for Pearl Jam two nights running. I had such high expectations for the Ramones going into that show. They were replacing Bad Religion [one of my favs back then] as the opening act so there was a lot of pressure on them in my eyes. I knew their reputation but had heard very little of their music. I was all stoked as the lights went down and the music came up. And what my 19 year old brain heard was a cacophony of what sounded like the same song over and over and over, only broken up by Joey Ramone stopping to shout "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" It was maddening and the second night only made it worse. I really couldn't listen to the Ramones for years after that and it's only fairly recently that I've started to dabble in them again.

1. The Dave Matthews Band
Oh, sweet Jesus. Everyone worships at the altar of the Dave Matthews Band. For years, I fought the wave of DMB fans, arguing that he just wasn't that good as people wandered around praising the glory of "Satellite" or "Crash." Occasionally, he'd put out something that I thought was passable but had no desire to cream myself over. And then the fall-back argument that almost all fans of any type of music will use when confronted with a non-believer... "You have to see them live." I had no desire to do so and never would have... except for a couple years ago at Neil Young's annual Bridge School Benefit show. I was going for Pearl Jam. I was going for the Foo Fighters. I was going for Death Cab. And I was even going for Trent Reznor. What I was not going for was the Dave Matthews Band and as he went on right before Neil Young, guaranteeing most people would stick around for his set, I knew why. He "treated" the fans to what seemed like an eternity-in-Purgatory-long set where every song seemed to devolve into a jam session. I felt like I was watching Phish or the Dead except I'd forgotten to lick the stamp and as a result, I was dead sober for one of the worst sets I've ever seen in my life... and that comes from someone who has seen Johnny Gill turn a 4 minute "My, My, My" into a 10 minute version simply by repeating the title ad nauseum.

I hate the Dave Matthews Band with a passion so there is no doubt that they EASILY take the top spot on this list.

Off to the Dodger game tonight. Will be gone most of the day tomorrow as well so expect a really early or really late post.

EDIT: Fuck Radiohead. I just scored two tickets to Flight of the Conchords in LA in May! Ohhh, glorious day! And if you're not down with that, I've got three words for ya...

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros


Anonymous said...

Cream yourself?

Blue said...

Yes! Cream myself! Did I stutter like I belong in a boiler room with a boy named Gilly making piles of sawdust?!

Anonymous said...

Evidently the comment section has become a FLAME section. tsk tsk.

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