
The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

Even on a far too early morning when I'm getting ready to go open the store after a far too late night when I closed [and went in on my day off no less which prompted endless Clerks "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" moments]... there are things that can brighten my spirits.

This would be one of them.

Seth Green is making a sequel to his Emmy-nominated “Robot Chicken: Star Wars,” and it hits the Cartoon Network Nov. 16.

As for the creative direction in the sequel, "we decided to focus on the bounty hunters a bit and explore their stories," "Robot Chicken" co-creator Matt Senreich said.

As the far superior winner of last year's Family Guy/Robot Chicken Star Wars parody shows, I'm looking forward to Seth Green and company beating the everloving fuck out of those Family Guy people again.

And on a side note, as a non-Family Guy watcher, don't you hate all those people who run around quoting Family Guy and praising it as the greatest thing since the invention of the iPod.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, Comic-Con Preview Night is tonight - and I won't be there.

just rub it in, world! Rub it in!

Oh well. At least I didn't hit my head on a glass wall, right?


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