
An Autobiographical Summary

So, as readers of this blog are aware, I'm under the gun to complete my application for a writing contest. The entry needs to be postmarked by Friday so time is ticking. Of course, the script is done - so that puts the hard part on the shelf.

But there's a string of things that need to be done with it that are proving more difficult than I expected.

Notarized? Check.

Application? Check.

Registration? Check.

Summary of interest? Ch- wait, huh? What the fuck is that? Alright, let's skip it.

Autobiographical summary? Fuck me. Are you serious? I have no desire to write about my life. If I thought my life was interesting enough to entertain someone, I would have written a script based on my life and not danced in the creative world. I am not a biographer - and by no means am I an autobiographer.

I wonder if these judges have a sense of humor. Could I get by with the Copperfield quote used in Interview With The Vampire, "I was born, I grew up...?"

I can't imagine these poor souls dredging through entry after entry of "During my undergrad years at..." while people try to tie in any and all writing efforts they made over the years into their summary. I pity the fool.

I was born... I grew up...

I like the sound of that.


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