
I have to admit that I did not expect to blog today from a hospital.

I'm fine, don't freak out. No postgame suicide attempt.

My grandma is suffering from Alzheimer's and had some kind of attack a
few days ago that has landed her in the hospital so here I am.

It really is an odd and scary disease. It's hard to see someone
devolve so quickly to an almost unrecognizable person. A year ago,
she was at my wedding dancing, laughing, and having a good time. Now
she's in a hospital bed barely coherent.

My mom thinks it's almost over but the doctors disagree. Now my
family is faced with the impossible choice to either take her home
which would be almost a certain disaster since she apparently has lost
the ability to walk OR put her in a nursing home which is
heartbreaking as well. This is the choice presented to my family by
her HMO - oh, and we have to decide today. Heartless fucks. Remember
that when you visit the polls in a couple weeks.

Anyways, I'm stalling because she was asleep when I got here and my
family hasn't arrived yet. I just wanted to vent a little.

Obviously, I expected to write about a much different topic today but
well, life sometimes has an odd way of adjusting your priorities.

Take care of yourselves today, guys.

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Hey Blue,

I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma - you guys will be in my thoughts. Keep us posted & I'll hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Take care,


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