
I May Not Always Love You...

On my day off as I sit here "preparing" to go to Game 4 tonight, I've been digging through some mp3 blogs to add some stuff to my collection and I uncovered a real gem.

I'm a firm believer that most people end up getting a large chunk of their musical tastes from the people directly around them.  Example - I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band fan but I can't imagine I would have become that on my own if I hadn't spent a huge chunk of my childhood with my aunts listening to Bruce at every turn.  Same thing goes for Rod Stewart, Tom Petty, and so on... yes, even Barry Manilow.  Likewise, I can pick individual bands out from my musical tastes and point out who influenced them.  I still remember the first time I heard Nine Inch Nails' "Pretty Hate Machine" was on a crappy boombox shoved under the front seat of my friend Brian's car back in the day.  You get the idea.

But oddly, for the most part, I barely remember my Mom listening to any music growing up.  I knew that my aunts teased her for having "Lay Lady Lay" as her favorite Dylan song.  I knew she liked Elvis and a lot of the 50's and 60's bubblegum pop but I never really heard her play it around the house.

The only band I can recall my Mom listening to or talking about a lot was The Beach Boys.

The Beach Boys don't get a lot of love from your typical rock music fan because they're treated as the aforementioned bubblegum pop but I defy one and all to not crack a big ol' smile when you hear the music.  Back in '06 when the Missus and I attended Bridge School Benefit for the first time, Brian Wilson was on the bill and in a crowd filled with people there to see Pearl Jam and the Dave Matthews Band take the stage, Brian Wilson stole the show by rockin' the night away with the old Beach Boys songs that had that entire crowd up on their feet singing along.

Now THAT'S what I call music.

The good folks over at Aquarium Drunkard posted an amazing set of Beach Boys studio rehearsals  from back in 1967 that the writer claims is his favorite Beach Boys recording ever.  After a quick initial listen-through this morning, I can't deny he may have a very legitimate argument.  If you're the slightest Beach Boys fan at all - or even just want to give ol' Blue a chance at being right, take the time to listen to the songs on that post and tell me I'm wrong.

I defy you!


Anonymous said...

Nice post. I, too, am a Barry Manilow fan. Wow, that felt good - finally coming out as a Barry Manilow fan.

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