
BSG vs Lost: Week 6

You know, in all honesty, when I first started doing this a month and a half ago, I thought it'd be more of a blowout than this. I was coming off a stretch of sprinting through BSG to get caught up before the final batch of episodes and I was in awe of what a tremendous piece of television they were putting on. Lost, I figured, was starting their second to last season but still had a lot of time to go and seemed likely to "waste a few."

But as it turns out, it seems like BSG has been the series willing to "waste a few" on and off over this last batch of episodes. Not that I'm saying they're not putting on fantastic, compelling stuff because they certainly are but...

Let's look at this week for a "for instance." Anyone who saw this week's BSG would be hard-pressed to think they were watching anything but a "filler" episode until perhaps the last twenty minutes or so. Now, in that "filler", there was some fantastic character moments and some very obviously "building blocks" but with them being down to their final three episodes, how many building blocks could they really need at this point? At this stage, I really don't feel the urgency to find a new home as much as I should considering the state of the Galactica and the fleet. The ending of the most recent ep may change that drastically but... well, as someone who just dropped $100 this morning to go see a panel/screening about BSG and the Caprica prequel in April, I'd like to see the show's final three episodes just kick the collective shit out of me.

Over on Lost, they continue to pull no punches in being completely badass. Almost the entirety of this week's episode took place off the island and I'm not sure of the last time that's happened - if ever - but it still managed to be compelling shit that made me wonder what in the hell was going to happen next. They succeeded in making the waters between Ben and Widmore even more murky with poor John Locke trapped between them. So, when the climax of the episode hits, it's like a gut punch... but then... well, the manage to bring it all back to where it needs to be - the island. And I'm counting the moments until Wednesday night.

Maybe I was expecting too much out of BSG but for the final episodes, I'm left feeling like it's just another day at the office for the writing team [not that it's a bad thing - just... unexpected.]

In case you hadn't guessed...

Round Six goes to Lost!

After six weeks...

Lost - 4
BSG - 2

And yes, that means that BSG needs to pull the clean sweep with the final 3 episodes to win this almighty showdown of amazing television.

So say we all.


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