
Excuses, Excuses

It's been a weird week on this site for me. Usually, the week of Wrestlemania and Opening Day puts me at no shortage of topics to write about and this week is no exception but I just haven't really found the time/energy/desire/whatever.

At work today, someone asked me, "How's the writing going?" I get the question a lot as everyone knows that I've written a screenplay and that I have other stuff I'm working on. I usually give some semblance of an answer about, "Collecting ideas", "working things out in my head," "piecing stuff together"... something like that. Today, I very bluntly said, "It's not." Which, in all honesty, is the truth. I have some notes jotted down about some ideas and one screenplay with about twenty pages written but... well, yeah... that's hardly an actual effort.

He commented that it's tough to do when you're working full time. Of course, I agreed. I mean, someone was giving me a ready-made excuse about why I'm not writing. Of course, I agreed! Then I added in a little something about how it's really hard to write at the moment because I don't really want to shut myself off in another room when I get home and my aging laptop has problems with multiple and inadvertent characters appearing out of nowhere.

All of which is true!

But still... I feel kinda like I'm letting myself down. I mean, this was part of the reason I went for the low-pressure, check your brain when you leave, retail jobs, you know? So that I could put more focus on the outside-of-work activities. So, if I'm not doing that... what AM I doing?

I'll let you know when I have an answer to that.


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