
I Don't Want To Be Shyla

Hey peeps...

Lemme start with a "Bitch please", Mr. Anonymous. Don't even be dropping the "gay" thing on me for Veronica Mars and Harry Potter when your light-in-the-loafers ass is playing the "Who could forget Footloose?" card. Maybe instead of Mr. Anonymous, I should call you Mr. Pink in honor of Res Dogs... ohhh snap! It's the cheese!

Moving on... it's time for you all to go watch The Office tonight. If you missed last week's, you need to hit up the iTunes Music Store to pick it up. It was hands down one of the funniest half hours of TV I've seen all year. Plus, while you're there, you can now grab episodes of South Park, The Munsters, the A-Team, and the criminally underrated Drawn Together.

Lost was another character based episode last night. No huge reveals or big action scenes so it's guaranteed to piss off the thimbles. Watching Charlie battle his demons for 60 minutes was awesome to me but it was definitely a slower-paced show than last week's big Others showdown. Isn't it odd that there are two Hobbits on two of TV's top rated shows?

This came up recently in a conversation so I shall pass it along...

Top Five TV Shows Currently On The Air [in no particular order]
1. The Office
2. Arrested Development
3. Lost
4. Veronica Mars
5. 24

Honorable Mentions to my other shows I watch: The Shield, How I Met Your Mother, Alias, Scrubs, Bones, Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy, The West Wing

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my Royal Rumble predictions. Plus, I still need to explain my picks for January's iMix before we lose the month! Stay tuned for February's iMix next week as well.

That's it for today. Back tomorrow with Rumble predictions.

Song I'm Listening To Currently: None.. but dreaming of an iPod video
Book I'm Reading Currently: "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini (p. 115)
Movie I Last Saw: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire [IMAX]


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