
Get the gators ready!

With American Gladiators on the air once more [and am I the only one who finds it hard to watch?], the question must be asked...

Whatever happened to Rollergames?

I mean... seriously... Rollergames and the original American Gladiators came on the air at roughly the same time. What makes AmGlads [my new shorty for it!] so damn special?

Rollergames had it all. It had some crazy figure 8 track with a banked wall that got you more points if you skated higher up it. It had a jump that got your more points if you jumped further. It had the awesome owners cutting promos on each other. It had hot girls in spandex. Come on! It was perfect!

And if that wasn't enough, anyone remember Lita Ford performing at half time? Or Warrant? Rollergames these days could have like... Lita Ford... or Warrant performing on it because everyone knows you wouldn't want jackasses like My Chemical Romance or the like on there.

I still remember the premiere of Rollergames when the hype started coming towards the end of the game. It was a close game and they kept teasing that if a tie happened, they would have to go to sudden death. But this was no normal sudden death period... SOMEONE MIGHT ACTUALLY DIE! You see, if they dared to end regulation tied, they would have to "GET THE GATORS READY! WE'RE GOING TO SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME!"

Do you get that? They took live alligators and threw them in this pit on the side of the track. Whoever got shoved in the pit first lost... a limb potentially.

The perfect idea for all sports! Hockey? Screw the shootout. Get the gators ready! That tennis match that went on forever recently? A gator gnawing on Federer's ass would have popped the ratings for sure.

With AmGlads a major disappointment for a fan of the original, I'm calling for it now. The writer's strike is still on. You still need programming. Put Nannies Swapping Partners on hold and bring back Rollergames!

And don't forget the gators.


Anonymous said...

I remember watching it on Saturdays on channel 5. I remember watching MC Young do bust a move, but the best was TNN Friday night with ECW and Roller skate extreme. This was when Friday nights were good and Smackdown was still on Thursday. Well thank god TNA saved us on Thursdays with Wrestling Entertainment. Later Poff

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