
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

I will be doing my UFC picks for tomorrow night's PPV later tonight or tomorrow but right now, there are a handful of topics I wanted to drop a few quick thoughts on.

NEWS: Lost is back and the beginning of the end started last night.
THOUGHTS: After a lonnnnnnnng wait, we have seen the last of the final 48 episodes and may I say... Ho. Lee. Shit. This show, admittedly, has had some rough spots in its' history but last night may have been one of the greatest season premieres of any show ever. When it's all said and done, I think we will look back on Lost as one of the greatest series of all time and one that we should feel honored that we got to see in our lifetimes. Now if only the congloms would give the writers' a fair deal and send them back to work!

NEWS: John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani drop out of the race
THOUGHTS: I don't usually post much on politics as that's not really something I want to drone on and on about on this blog buuuuut... I liked Edwards. I don't know if I liked him enough to vote for him in the California primary next week but I liked him. I thought he had a good message, a good heart, and I believed he truly did care about the working class of this country. Rudy? Well, maybe he can talk about 9/11 in his next job interview and see if it puts him over the others.

NEWS: UFC goes negative
THOUGHTS: On the Countdown show for UFC this week, they took the approach to hyping the Lesnar/Mir match that I knew was coming but was hoping they'd avoid. As a lifelong pro wrestling fan, hearing one of my favorite forms of sports and entertainment derided for an hour as being fake is not exactly my idea of fun. But to see the utter audacity of Dana White in using pro wrestling shows to hype his PPV... by openly admitting he's hoping to draw in pro wrestling fans... and then to spend an hour trashing that business? It's disrespectful and low-class.

NEWS: Pau Gasol on the market
THOUGHTS: Buzz on the street is that the Grizz are looking to shed contracts as they're hoping to sell the team in the near future. Their hope is that a buyer will be more intrigued by a team with little salary commitments in the future. Further buzz speculates that if they decide to go this route, they might be willing to part with Gasol for Kwame Brown, Sasha "The Machine" Vujacic, and Coby Karl. Pardon me? Did I hear that right? Mitch, make sure it's Pau Gasol we're getting and not trading for Marc Gasol who we already have. In the words of Laker fans everywhere, DO IT MITCH!

NEWS: American Idol goes soft
THOUGHTS: Typically, I watch a few of the audition shows and then bail out but this year, they've managed to keep me through the whole process. The main reason is obviously the writers' strike. There's nothing else to fucking watch so I've been roped into things like Celebrity Apprentice [did you see that fucking show last night? Awesome!], Pros vs Joes, Rock of Love, and I even caught an episode of Celebrity Rehab. Back on topic, as someone who has watched Idol for several years now, it strikes me as very noticeable this year that they seem to be going softer on the shitty tryouts. Simon has yet to quip about needing a bigger stage when someone fat... and I mean Orca fat... walks into the room and he's had plenty of chances. He hasn't bashed a mentally ill child this year... already a plus over last year. Do you think they finally heard the criticism over their treatment on these shows? Amazing. If they really want to punish the bad auditioners though, they should shove them in a room to listen to the new Paula Abdul song. I love me some Paula but dear god, where is MC Skat Kat when you need him?

NEWS: Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of the night that The Radicals [Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, and He Who Shall Not Be Named] made their WWE debut
THOUGHTS: Man, that seems like an eternity ago. I was so happy that night as some of my favorite in-ring performers had jumped to my company of choice. I remember my mind going nuts with all the possible matchups we were going to see. Of course, it was all pissed away in mere days as the Radicals went heel but eventually we got memorable moments from all four men. Unfortunately, two of them provided memorable moments that we wish we could forget... and I'm not talking about Moppy or the Dean/Lita angle.


Anonymous said...

Come on!!!! Its Chris "The Crippler/Wolverine Beniot. Just because there was a tradgey in his personal life, doesn't mean for us as wrestling fans to ignore his performance in the ring. Now what happen outside is a whole different story but I will never EVER!! forget the Rapid Wolverine Chris Beniot AGAIN!!! Hey, Sommer and I watch Celebrity Apprentice, Rehab, and she watches Lost while I watch TNA. TNA is getting really good, you should see Shelly Martinez (formally Ariel in ECW) she has huge puppies. Love Ya and I am still waiting on your UFC picks and you better picks Lesnar. Poff

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