
Memorial Day

Sudden realization: Holiday weekends SUCK to try and blog every day during.

It's not like I was incredibly busy, I guess.

Ran errands on Saturday morning, went to watch UFC on Saturday night. Sat around the house all day on Sunday to watch Kershaw's debut and Game 3. Went to the in-laws for BBQ today.

So, like I said... not like I did a lot, but I kept having difficulty finding time to write on here.

I've lost my muse!

But it'll return - I promise.

Until it does, we keep on a-truckin' however we can...

With that in mind, a nice and simple Memorial Day message:

I've thankfully never known anyone who has given their lives fighting for their nation. However, I do give all my heartfelt thanks to those who have and my eternal gratitude for their sacrifice. I also give my thanks to their families and friends who have had to go on without them.

Finally, I want to give a brief thank you and acknowledgment to the three people I've known in my life who did go forth and fight for their country.

To my great Uncle, O.H. Rey.

To my great Uncle, Ray "Bud" Freeman who actually ended up spending an extended length of time as a Prisoner of War during World War II.

And to my father, Ron, who served in the US Navy.

Thank you all for all that you've done while serving our nation.


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